Greek Museum's Photo Presentation
by Christopher Tripoulas
special to the National Herald
A special power point presentation of Greek Immigrant History in New York will take place at the 67th Street Branch library in Manhattan (328 East 67 Street) this coming Tuesday evening April l7 at 6 pm.
The presentation is using photographs which have been collected over time, providing fascinating insights into the Greek immigrants' early arriaval into the New York area, and their trades, organizations and activities.
The presentation is free and open to the public and will include fascinating information about the Greek work ethnic and family values as well as rags to riches success stories of Greek immigrants.
It is being organized as part of the celebrations for New Yorks' fourth annual immigrant History Week, a citywide celebration honoring the experiences and contributions of immigrants in New York City, established by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2004, for the purposes of developing a rich collection of free or low cost programs which build cross cultural understanding between New York's ehtnic communities.
The presentation is being organized by The Greek Museum, a non profit institution which aims to collect, preserve and interpret tangible objects represent Greek American life. The Museum's goal is to raise public awareness of the contributions of immigrant Greeks to American culture.
"This is the second year we will be participating in New Yor City's Immigrant Week," said Museum Co-Founder, Kathy Boulukos.
Last year, the Museum presented "Our Story-Our People" a slideshow narrative at the Mid Mahhttan Libary. This year's presentation "A Journey, A Dream and a Fulfillment - the Story of the Greek American Immigrant in New York" is a narrative hsitory and photographic prsenation of the under documented minority.
The presentation's main objective is to "help raise awareness about the story of Greek immigrants", Mrs. Boulukos said, stressing the necessity and importance of this undertaking "because our history is being lost".
Mrs. Boulukos and Anastasia Nicholas, her co-founder, have been working on making the Museuma reality for the past ten years. "Right now, we're looking for a permanent location in New York City to house the Museum. The problem is finding the right location and raising enough money,", Mrs. Boulukos said.
According to Mrs. Boulukos, the Museum would include exhibition space to showcase permanent and rotating exhibits petaining to the Greek American Immigrant experience, as well as displays of particular interest to children about their forefathers. The permanent exhibition area would showcase embroideries, costumes, jewelry, pottery, household items, photographs and religious objects. The Museum library would house research material regarding entry to America and geneologicl records. Newspapers, books, magazines and manuscripts would be displayed. A section of the Museum would be devoted to oral history, including vignettes of older Greek immgirants speaking about their lives. Additionally, a music history would empahsize the early music of the immgirants.]
The role of ethnic organizations, the church and Greek schools will be a major part of the dislay, Mrs. Boulukos said, showing their value to the life of the Greek Americans. A space for concerts, dance recitals, lectures, recptions and art exhibits will also be incorporated into the eventual site.
As to the level support she has received from the Greek American community, "There has been a good amount of support from the community, but we still have no major donors", Mrs. Boulukos said. Major Hellenic organizations have not yet lent their support to helping the Museum securing a site in New York.
"I sent a letter to SAE (Council of Hellenes Abroad) five years ago, and I received absolutely no response. The y never accepted or declined our proposal. They just didnt reply," she said, but in light of the recent elections and new administration running the SAE regional council in the United States, she is considering an attempt to reestablish contact with SAE's leadership stateside.
Mrs. Boulukos emphasized that the Museum needs to be a community wide effort. "Our communty needs to realize that we have to work together to preserve our heritage", she said, adding that she is not expecting help from Greece or public benefit foundation based in Greece. "But this should be a project accompplished by the Greek American Community, " she said.
There are 24 other ethnic museums in New York, she pointed out, and there are already two Greek museums in the United States, In Chicago and Salt Lake City, citing the Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center in Chicago as a source of inspiration.
Anastais Nichalas and I went to Chicago to attend a convention and happened to see a brochure for the Hellenic Museum there. We thought if Chicago could do it, so could New York:", Mrs. Boulukos said, adding that the other Greek museums have been supportive and are anxiously awaiting the official opening of the Greek Museum in New York so that they can have rotating exhibits. "They keep telling us hurry up andget the musuem going, she said.
Asked abou the differences she sees between the Museum she is trying to form in New Yokr and the Greek Museum in Chicago and Salt Lake City, Mrs Boulukos said "Its not a question of how different each Museum will be. We are not competing against each other. Each region has its own story to tell" She cited the different lifestyles of problems facing and types of work available to Greek immgrants throughtout various part of the United Sates.
"The Greeks who went out Wet have a different story to tell than those who came through Ellis Island. They worked primarily on the railroads and in the mines. Each group also had to overcome different kinds of obstacles. Greek s in the West, for instance, had to face the Mormons, who were the dominant group there, while the Greeks in New YOrk had to deal with the Italian patronage system," she said.
The displays will try to provide a cross section of different generations of Greek immigrants to the New York area, she added, and all the periods of Greek immigration would have their place in the Museum.
Mrs. Boulukos described Greek immgrants as "true minorities...they did not come over all together, and noted that the success and prosperity Greeks have enjoys in the US did not come easy.
"We forget what the first immigrants went trhough. The prejudice they faced. What it took to run a store, open a business and fight discrimination", Mrs. Boulukos said, underscroving the Grek American community's need to preserve its own unique history. Its not enough to have a parade every year or to have Greek resturants', she said. "And we musn't forget what Greek Americans have contirubted to American society. We have helped make this country a place".
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